
FinExplo Northern European Distributor

Northern European Distributor
Finexplo acts as the Shottrack distributor in Northern Europe and can support you in the European region supplying the needed equipment to your office/site, provide local support and field services, including performing the measurements at customer site, training, and reporting of the results.
We are based in Helsinki, Finland, and act as distributor for several other products as well. Finexplo is part of a larger group of companies called Solwers Oyj that provides a variety of services for the construction and mining industry.
For additional information, visit our web page – www.finexplo.fi
Vesa Holmström
Finexplo Oy

RESPEC Northern America Distributor

Founded in 1969, RESPEC is a global leader in geoscience, engineering, data, and integrated technology solutions for major industry sectors. Their Explosives Engineering and Instrumentation group combines advanced knowledge of drilling and blasting with project planning and management experience to help provide unique turnkey approaches to optimizing drill and blast operations, including the implementation of ShotTrack equipment. As a North America distributor for ShotTrack, RESPEC provides local sales, service work, support, and specialized knowledge on ShotTrack equipment. Clients and customers who purchase ShotTrack equipment through RESPEC will have access to local support in North America.